Product description
It is blanking tool to divide the ups (separation of pieces) after excision. Blanking tool is mounted on the machines Bobst after stripping tool.
The product can be used both for corrugated and solid board. Blanking tools are divided into: Single Cut and Double Cut. Single Cut – the ups are on the one knife. Double Cut – ups on the cutting die are spaced from each other. Each blanking tool consists of a lower and upper section.
Depending on the method of separation, we distinguish three types of blanking tool:
▪ upper station plus elements from the bottom station: steel bars shaped and welded (so-called “grill”) and plywood reflecting the shape of the motive, without sliding elements, which the customer assembles itself ( “light” separation). Used when the client has extensive experience in working with blanking tools (assembly of blankig tool on the frame);
▪ upper station plus bottom station with the “grill”, plywood and mounted sliding elements without frame ( “medium” separation). Used when the client is experienced in working with separations (assembly of blankin tool on the frame);
▪ upper station plus bottom station with the “grill”, plywood, mounted sliding elements and frame (complete blanking tool ready to mount directly on the machine).
Cutting machines: Bobst, Heidelberg.
The integration of the whole process of the production of blanking tool, from the design through profiling of the components to the assembly.This is how we achieve:
▪ high accuracy and repeatability of the profiled elements of the grill, thanks to automatic bending machine
▪ high accuracy of laser-burned plywood
▪ high accuracy of the tools assembly
▪ long tool life (materials of the highest quality)
▪ the possibility to use the frame for several motives (versatile frame)
▪ the possibility to reuse the used components in the next orders which significantly reduces the costs (“light” and “medium” separation).